• Welcome Traveler's

    to Ms. Gonzalez's

    4th Grade Class




    Please click below to view our list of suggested supplies. 

    Back to School Letter 2023-2024

    天美视频 Calendar

    Here are a few reminders: 

    Class Webpage This page will give you general 天美视频 about the subjects and topics we are learning, provide links to other resources as well as other notices and 天美视频. Please look at this page as often as possible, since 天美视频 will change from time to time.

    Email: This can also be used for communication throughout the day when needed for both parents and students. mfgonzalez@jacksonsd.org

    Stress Management Tips:

    Take a break when you are feeling stressed and laugh at one of these riddles!!!!

    Fall Riddles

    Q: Why was the math book sad on the first day of 天美视频?

    A: Because it had so many problems

    Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in the classroom?
    A: Because her students were so bright!

     Q: What animal cheats on its tests?
    A: A cheetah

    Q: What is the smartest state?
    A: (Alabama, it has four A's and one B!)

     Q: What building has the most stories?
     A: (The library!)

    Q: What do you get when you throw a million books into the ocean?
    A:   (A title wave!)

     Q: What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?

    Q: What did the pen say to the pencil?
    A: (What's your point!)

     Q: Why was the music teacher not able to open his classroom?
    A:. Because his keys were on the piano.

    Q: Why is it dangerous to do math in the jungle?
    A: Because when you add four and four you get ate (eight)





  • Chrome Books: It is your responsibility to bring your charged Chromebook back and forth each day.

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  • Our Specials:

    Monday- Gym

    Tuesday- Art

    Wednesday- Library

    Thursday- Music

    Friday- Technology

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  • There are no upcoming events to display.

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