


    Updated March 21, 2024.

    Letters learned to date:  t, f, b, m, n, i, u, c, o, g, a, d, s, e, r, p, j, l, h, k, v, w, x, y, qu, z

    High Frequency Words Learned to date:  I, go, to, the, can, a, we, see, my, look, like, play, here, is, be, 

    you, and, me, he, she, said, one, do are, or, for, her, his, come, has, put, little, was, from, have, of




    Welcome to Kindergarten! 

      Kindergarten is such an exciting year!  My name is Mrs. Bosley and I will be your child's kindergarten teacher this year.  I am very happy to be sharing this year with you and your child.  Although I post most of my important 天美视频 on the Class Dojo App, please be sure to check our class page often to see all of the things we will be discussing and learning this year in our class.  There are so many things to go over before the 天美视频 year begins so here are some important points!

    Our 天美视频 hours are 9:10 to 3:20.  

    Please be sure to label all of your child's things with their first and last name.  This includes items such as backpacks, lunchboxes, water bottles, and coats and jackets.  These are things that often get misplaced or mixed up and it is so much easier to locate when things are labeled.  Labeling can be as easy as pinning a ribbon or piece of fabric inside the clothing, so you DO NOT have to write on it.   

    Please join our Class Dojo.  This is an excellent way to keep the lines of communication open.  You can download the free app to your phone.  I will send emails and will also follow up with home letters to help you join our class.

    Your child will need to bring a backpack that is large enough to hold a standard-sized folder and a lunchbox.  A supply list was posted on the Holman School website, so please be sure to look at that.   

    *Students may bring in a water bottle as our drinking fountains are not in use at this time.   Please label the water bottle with your child's name.


    hand sanitizer

    Hand sanitizer will also be used frequently in the classroom.  Please let me know if your child has any known allergies to hand sanitizer.




    Important Dates to Remember


    Thursday, March 28th - Early Dismissal for students (1:35 dismissal)

    Friday, March 29th - Schools Closed for students

    Monday, April 1st - Friday, April 5th - Schools Closed for Spring Break

    Wednesday, April 10th - Spring Picture Day

    Monday, May 6th - Early Dismissal for students (1:35 dismissal)

    Friday, May 24th - Early Dismissal (1:35 dismissal)

    Thursday, June 6th - Kindergarten Field Day

     Daily Specials (1:05-1:45)

    Mondays - Music

    Tuesdays - Media(Library)

    Wednesdays - Technology

    Thursdays - Phys. Ed.

    Fridays - Art


    Best Lunch Clipart #20044 - Clipartion.com  
    Our lunch period is from 11:45 to 12:15 Monday-Friday 
    Please practice having your child open containers and inserting straws... there are adults in the cafeteria to help, but things will go more smoothly if students are working towards independance. 
    Elementary Lunch Prices

    If your child is buying lunch, please use the following link to put money in your child's account (Food Services). It is important for your student to know if they will be buying a hot lunch or a cold lunch on each particular day.  Please use the following link to view the lunch menu and prices (Menu and Prices).


    Scholastic Book Club

    Every month or so, I will be sending home a Scholastic Reading Flyer. Please take a moment to look over the Scholastic Reading Club Flyer. The club features books of all levels for as little as $1.00. Orders are delivered to the 天美视频 with no shipping and handling charges. Each order earns us points for our classroom library. 

    Please use the code to order online:  DWMQQ  at www.scholastic.com/readingclub.



    Teacher's Wishlist

    Our classroom is always in need of some items.  If you would like to donate any of these items throughout the year,

    it would be greatly appreciated!


    *Lysol/Clorox Wipes





    Our Daily In School Schedule

    Morning Meeting

    Literacy (Fundations/Readers Workshop)

    Social Studies/Science

    Lunch (11:45-12:15)


    Special (1:05-1:45)




     **We will take lots of brain breaks throughout the day!!!   During these breaks, the children will have the opportunity to stand up and move to get their wiggles out.