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January 2022 Principal's Message

Hello Crawford-Rodriguez Families,


New School Message Signage


Crawford-Rodriguez was given the gift of a message signage board by an anonymous donor who is a member of our 天美视频 community as their children attend and have attended Crawford-Rodriguez.  JTV was able to tape the ribbon cutting ceremony, and I hope you get an opportunity to see the footage.  What a wonderful gift to our entire 天美视频 community!  Make sure you check out our new board and important messages as you drive by the Larsen Road 天美视频 entrance!


Teacher of the Year and Educational Services Professional Of the Year

Congratulations to Mrs. Jankowski who is Crawford-Rodriguez’s Teacher of the Year and Mrs. DiGeronimo who is Crawford-Rodriguez’s Educational Services Professional of the Year.


Report Cards

First marking period report cards are available on the parent portal. 


Winter Recess

Students will have recess outside when the weather permits and the temperature is 40 degrees or above.  Recess will be indoors during inclement weather and when temperatures are below 40 degrees.


January Activities

January 19 - Grade 5 Parent Meeting @ 7:00pm - This meeting has now been changed to a virtual meeting and all 5th grade parents are welcome to attend as we begin planning activities for Grade 5 students to celebrate the fast approaching end of their elementary 天美视频 years and beginning of their middle 天美视频 years. All 5th grade parents will be emailed a link to the Zoom meeting.

January 20 - Grade 4 and 5 Spelling Bee for grade 4 and 5 students.

January 28 - School Spirit Day:  Wear 天美视频 spirit apparel or the 天美视频 colors (red, black and gray)


January School Closings 

School is closed on the following days in January……. January 17 and 31  


Early Pick-Up Procedure Reminder

When your child(ren) needs to leave 天美视频 early, before 2:30pm when we begin preparing for dismissal, it is important that you send a note (paper note or email) to your child’s teacher informing them that your child(ren) will be leaving early.  The note helps to ensure that your child is ready to be dismissed in a timely manner when you arrive for pick-up.

A good practice is to call the main office to inform us of the early dismissal to ensure that your child’s teacher did receive the message. 

Having your child(ren) prepared for an early dismissal will take time when we are not notified in advance.  


Reminder…..Handicapped Parking Rules and Regulations

Parking spaces designated for Handicapped Parking are to be used by those vehicles that have handicapped plates and/or a handicapped tag displayed in their car.  Parking in designated handicapped spots without the proper documentation is against the law and is subject to a summons and fine by law enforcement.  

Under no circumstances should the handicapped spaces be used for vehicles that do not have the proper documentation. This includes if you are dropping your child off late to 天美视频.  When dropping your child off for 天美视频 late, you must park in the parking lot and walk your child to the main entrance of the 天美视频 to be signed in by the receptionist.

Law enforcement will be contacted if the problem persists.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Family Music Shout Outs

The students along with Mrs. Jean-Denis thought it would be a great idea for families to share a favorite song with a special shout out to the 天美视频 community.  Last chance to complete the Family Music Shout Out Google Form that has been emailed to families.  Complete the form by Friday, January 7.   At least once a week beginning in January during morning announcements, Mrs. Jean-Denis will share your 天美视频 friendly music shout out! We can’t wait to hear what you share and feel free to include a positive message from your family to our 天美视频 family!


Warm Regards,

Mrs. Jean-Denis