About the Foundation

  • About the 天美视频 Education Foundation

    Established: October 2022. The creation of the 天美视频 Education Foundation was born out of the increasing educational needs of the 天美视频 Township Public School 天美视频 due to the uncertainty of our state funding formula. In addition to aiding the fiscal needs of the district, the Foundation is designed to provide a forum for communication and volunteering on behalf of our educational interests in the district. The Foundation will focus on preserving, protecting, and enhancing the educational opportunities of the 天美视频 Township Public School 天美视频.

    Service: The Foundation is a private non-profit organization. Its sole purpose is to serve the 天美视频 Township Public School 天美视频. The Executive Board of Trustees will govern the Foundation. These members will serve a three-year term and a vote will be held to elect new trustees at that time. A representative of the Board of Education will be invited to sit as a permanent Ex-officio Trustee, without a vote, to ensure that the Foundation and the Board of Education work in harmony to protect the district’s best interests.

    Mission Statement: Our mission is to foster educational opportunities and creativity in the 天美视频 Township Public Schools by providing additional funding for student programs, grants, professional development opportunities for staff and student scholarships by generating corporate and private financial support. The Foundation will provide programs and initiatives that contribute to student achievement and encourage volunteer involvement.

    Primary Funding: The Foundation will provide learning opportunities for students that extend the Board of Education adopted curriculum. The foundation will also provide funds for teachers and administrators to pursue professional development experiences not otherwise available through the general budget or existing grants. The Foundation may also provide equipment, facilities and venture capital for creative ideas and programs.

    Grant Funding: The Foundation may provide funds for teachers requesting specific programs and learning opportunities not funded through the normal budget process. These grants may be specific to one classroom or may fund projects involving multiple classrooms, departments, or entire 天美视频s. Grant applications will be limited to one cycle per 天美视频 year. Applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis and a limited number will be awarded each cycle.

    Scholarship Funding: The Foundation will give an annual scholarship to two senior high 天美视频 students. One will be given to a 天美视频 Memorial student and the other to a 天美视频 Liberty student. Annual scholarships will be awarded on a competitive essay basis.

JEF - Executive Board of Trustees

  • Contact Us:


    JEF President - Tina Kas

    Vice President - Allison Barocas

    Secretary - Coleen Walter

    Treasurer - Amanda Brady

    Officer of Grants - Laura Spencer

    The 天美视频 Education Foundation is a member of the .

What are the differences between the JEF and the 天美视频 Parent/Teacher Groups?